How do I add a new service?

Adding a new service is easy! Tap on the Settings tab in your main navigation menu, and you'll be taken directly to your Services & pricing page.

On your Services & pricing page, you'll see the service categories you've selected for your account. If the category you'd like to add a new service to is collapsed, simply tap on the category to expand it. This will reveal the + add new service button.

Tapping on + add new service will open the Add service modal where you'll be able to provide information about your new service:

  • Service name: this is what the service will be called and will be visible both to you and your clients on appointments and bills.
  • Description: this will be visible to your clients as they request appointments and can be used to provide clarity or additional context about the service.
  • Options: you can toggle these on or off depending on what you need for each service.
    • Let us know if this is an add-on service that can be added to any service in this category. Once a service has been added as an add-on, it can’t be changed back to a normal service. 
    • Select whether you'd like to allow clients to request this service online. ⚠️ This toggle will only appear if you've turned on the ability for clients to request appointments online!
    • Designate whether this is an all-day service, such as boarding. All day services are not scheduled at specific times; instead, they live in their own "all-day events" row at the top of your calendar, separate from your time-based appointments. ⚠️ Currently, all-day services cannot be requested online, but we will be working to change this soon! 
    • In beta! Choose if you'd like to set a capacity limit for this service. You can designate the number of pets or families you can accommodate for each service, and we'll automatically disable times (or time windows if you have that set up) that are at capacity when your clients go to request appointments online. For example, with a 30-minute drop-in service, if each staff member can only accommodate 3 families during each time window, you can set that as your capacity limit to prevent more requests for the same window once you already have 3 families confirmed on your schedule. ⚠️ This feature is currently in beta and applies only to a very limited set of use cases. That means you are likely to still receive requests when a particular time is booked to capacity. But this should at least help reduce the number of requests you receive for time slots that are full. We are working to build on this foundation to make this logic more comprehensive over time so that the online booking more accurately reflects your availability.
    • If you've set up a sales tax rate in the Client billings tab of your company's settings page, you'll be able to choose if you'd like to collect sales tax for this service. Once toggles on, we'll automatically include sales tax on invoices that have this service. Learn more about how to set up sales tax for your company.
  • Duration: this will tell your clients how long this service is and should not include any buffer time around the service. Appointments for each service would be blocked off on your calendar accordingly based on this duration. 
  • Price: this will be your standard price for this service. You'll still be able to customize pricing by client in their profiles. 
    • Enter the price per visit and how much you'd charge for additional pets in the same family on each visit – this could be the same price, $0 if they're free, or a different discounted amount altogether. For example, if you set an additional pet price of $50 on a $75 service, that means booking two pets in the same family at the same time (for the same service) would cost a pet parent $125 ($75 + $50); if a family has three pets, they'd be charged $175 ($75 + $50 + $50). Following the same logic, if you want additional pets to be free, simply set the additional pet price to $0.
  • Color: this allows you to color code your services. Pets on your schedule will appear with a color ring around their pictures corresponding to the service color that you've chosen here. This way, you can easily see what service is being provided at a glance and potentially catch mistakes in the appointment booking process as well!

Tap Save when you're done, and your service will now be available to book in your PetPocketbook account! 🎉

⚠️ To edit an existing service, just tap on the service. This will open the Edit service modal, which looks just like the Add service screen, except your previously saved information is already pre-populated! Go ahead and make any necessary adjustments, then tap save!