How do I re-assign an appointment to a different staff member?

It’s super easy to re-assign an existing appointment to a different staff member if schedules change or a member of your team is out. Below are a few places in the app where you can do that! 

💡If you need to re-assign a bunch of repeating appointments from one staff member to another, the easiest way is to follow the same steps as if you were removing a staff member

Tap to modify an appointment

From any view on your schedule tab, tap on the appointment that you'd like to re-assign to show the Appointment Details. Tap on the "modify" button in this view to open the Edit Appointment page, where you can tap into the assigned staff member to open a dropdown menu and choose someone else. Just make sure to save when you're done! 

Drag and drop in list view

While looking at the list view of your schedule for all staff, you'll notice that the name of the person assigned to each pet (if it's a one-on-one service) or each pack (if it's a group service) shows up just above the appointment time. You can actually tap on the staff name here to re-assign the pet(s) in that appointment time to another member of your team. 

For group services, you can also drag and drop to move a pet from one existing pack to another in list view.

Drag and drop in calendar view

While looking at the calendar view of your schedule for all staff, you'll notice that each column on your calendar is a member of your team. You can then tap and hold an individual pet to drag just that pet from one person's column into another to re-assign that appointment, or you can drag and drop to re-assign an entire pack by tapping and holding the blue part of the box that contains a pack on your schedule.