Can I assign a primary sitter to a client?


Head to the Appointments tab in a client’s profile and tap on the Preferences tab on that page. From here, tap add preferred staff to assign a primary team member to that family. If there’s another team member who has helped the client out in the past, you can add as many alternates as you need by tapping add another preferred and selecting another professional on your team. 

Next time you create or approve an appointment with that client, we’ll list, in order, the client’s preferred team members, as the staff assigned to the appointment.

⚠️ Only team members with senior staff access and above can set preferences.

In the example below, we’ve added Diana as the primary team member and Nate as an alternate.

Now that we’ve assigned Diana and Nate as the preferred staff for the Gagnon family, Diana will be assigned by default whenever we receive a request from them or add appointments on their behalf. If we tap into the staff dropdown to change staff assignments for their appointments, Diana and Nate will be listed first as the family’s preferred professionals in order of preference, followed by remaining members of the team in alphabetical order as shown in the screenshot below.