Can I have my team check in when they arrive and check out when they finish an appointment?
Yes! Using the Check in & Check out option, you can choose for your team to log when a walk or hike begins and ends on their mobile device and automatically share that information with pet parents through their report cards. 🏁
Here’s how it works:
- When you or your staff tap on an upcoming appointment from a mobile device, a green “start” button will be shown where you used to see “mark complete.”
- Let’s say you’re taking Remington for a walk. Tapping the start button when he is picked up will launch a timer for his appointment. If Remington has siblings who are booked for the same service with the same handler at the same time, tapping the start button will start the timer for both his and his siblings’ appointments.
- When the walk or hike is over, tapping the red “finish” button will end the appointment and automatically add the start and end time onto your draft report card. Just like when you start an appointment for a pet, their siblings’ appointment ends when you mark one pet in the family’s appointment as finished.
If for some reason you or your staff forgot to hit the start button while at a client’s location, you can still mark appointments complete later to ensure they are billed correctly. In that case, the report cards for those appointments will not include any timestamps or location information.
⚠️ The start button will only appear within 2 hours of your appointment window.