Financials Reports
The financials tab of our reporting dashboard shows how your billings and client payments have trended over time. You can see daily, weekly, monthly, or annual aggregates of total amount billed and payments received for a date range of your choice. By default, we show daily aggregates over the last 3 calendar months — in other words, if it's January 15th today, we'd see how much you've billed and collected in payments on each day from last October through December. You can also see how much in payments you received in each period by payment method — this should make it easier to keep track of how much money might be sitting in a Venmo or PayPal account, outside of payments that your clients have made through PetPocketbook (which are of course automatically deposited into your connected bank account).
Looking for monthly financial summaries for tax reporting? Choose “last year” in the dropdown of preset date ranges and select “months” in the unit toggle at the top right. The charts generated will provide aggregates of what you’ve billed (including sales tax, if applicable) from invoices sent each month as well as payments collected in each month. If you’d like more detail, you can also download the raw invoice and payments data into a CSV file!