How do I create and send report cards?
When you complete an appointment in PetPocketbook, you can easily edit and send a report card to your clients right from your mobile device in just a few seconds. If you’ve already checked into the appointment, just tap the Start Report Card button to begin filling out the report card. If you're not checking in and out of each appointment, depending on your report card settings, once you mark an appointment as complete, you’ll either be automatically prompted to complete a report card or will need to just tap into your completed appointment and hit the Finish Report Card button to open the report card.
For dog walking and hiking appointments, you can select whether the dog peed, pooped, had water, and/or had a treat and then add any additional notes you'd like about the visit as well as attach any photos your clients might enjoy. For all other categories, you can only add notes and photos.
To add a photo, use the add photo button on the bottom left and either choose a photo from your device’s library or take a photo if you're on your phone or tablet.
Finally, if you’re checking in and out of each appointment, you’ll be able to complete the appointment right from the report card. Whether you check in and out of each appointment or just mark the appointment as complete, you can save the report card as a draft if you'd prefer to finish it later, or you can hit the Send Report Card button, which will send an email notification (see example below) to your client with the basics and a link to their pet parent portal to view any photos.
⚠️ An Owner or Administrator level user can choose to turn on or off the option to automatically prompt your team to fill out a report card each time an appointment is marked completed.
Sample report card email notification:
Can I include a map of our route and time stamps for when the visit was started and finished on the report card?
If you choose to require staff to both check in and out of their appointments (vs. simply marking their appointments as complete), then a time stamp corresponding to when your team started and ended the appointment in PetPocketbook will automatically be included on the report cards that you send to your clients.
As for GPS, if you're participating in our mobile beta and have enabled GPS tracking in PetPocketbook (in addition to requiring your team to both check in and out of their appointments), then your report cards will include a map of your route. If you're not participating in our mobile beta but have those two settings, your report cards will include a map with GPS pins marking your location when you started and finished each appointment. You can also choose to show time stamps for when you started and finished each appointment along with each appointment's duration on your report cards.