What happens when I void an invoice?
Sometimes you need to void an invoice –that’s totally fine! Let’s take a look at what happens when we do.
Your client’s outstanding balance will decrease by the gross amount on the void invoice. If an invoice is partially paid, voiding it will result in a credit balance on the client’s account. For example, let’s say a client has a $20 outstanding balance after paying $80 on an $100 invoice. When you void the invoice, the client will have an $80 credit (as if the $100 invoice never existed). Note that their balance will not be $0, since voiding a bill voids the whole bill, not just the remaining amount owed.
Staff compensation does not include appointments belonging to a void invoice (although these appointments will still appear to be checked off on the schedule). The idea is that if you’re not billing for these appointments, you won’t be going out-of-pocket to pay your staff for them either.
Amount billed in company reporting will decrease by the amount of the invoice voided.