How do I remove a human or pet from a client's family profile?
To remove a human or pet from a client's family profile, navigate to the Clients tab in the main navigation menu on the left side of your screen. Find the family whose profile you want to change by searching for either the human or pet name, tap on the family, then tap edit on the family profile page.
On the family wheel, select the family member you'd like to remove. Below their profile photo and name, tap remove human or remove pet.
⚠️You'll notice you can't remove the primary contact in a family. If you'd like to remove this human, you must first add a secondary contact if one didn't already exist and update the secondary contact to be the family's primary contact. To do so, select the secondary contact on the family wheel and tap set as primary contact. You'll now be able to remove the other human from this client's family profile. 🎉