How do I remove a client’s custom pricing?

To move a family on custom pricing back to regular pricing: 

  • On desktop: navigate to the Clients tab in the main navigation menu on the left side of your screen. Find the family whose pricing you want to change by searching for either the human or pet name, then tap on the family and select the Billing tab for that family at the top of your screen. At the bottom of this page under the Pricing section, tap update custom prices.

  • On mobile: once you’ve selected the client whose pricing you’d like to change, tap Billing at the bottom of the client profile page. This opens up your client's billing history page. Tap the settings gear ⚙️ at the top right of your screen to go to this family's billing settings page, then tap update custom prices at the bottom of the screen. 

Once you've tapped on update custom prices, you'll now see a new window pop up with a list of your services & pricing. Services that currently have custom prices for this family are indicated by a dot next to the service. 

Tap on the service you'd like to change back to your regular pricing, then tap reset prices. This update will automatically save, so any open drafts and all future invoices for this family will use your regular pricing going forward! 🙌